Moj prvi poljub | Medical Dentistry

Moj prvi poljub

Svoj prvi poljub sem doživela ob koncu osmega razreda. Bil je prijetno topel junijski dan in ravno smo zaključili eksterno preverjanje znanja. Nanj imam zelo lepe spomine, saj sva z najboljšo prijateljico skupaj načrtovali najin podvig. Obe sva se namreč spogledovali s simpatijama iz istega razreda, veliko smo se družili kot prijatelji, sošolci in ne nazadnje kot parčki iz šolskih dni. Odločili sva se, da želiva prvi poljub okusiti preden odideva v srednjo šolo.

Spominjam se, da sem bila zelo živčna in sem dolgo odlašala, ker se mi je na televizijskih ekranih zdelo poljubljanje velika znanost. V nestrpnem pričakovanju sva se s prijateljico bodrili ter iskali nasvete in pogum.

Bilo je kratko in sladko,  pravzaprav se mi ni zdelo prav nič posebnega. Priznam, da je bilo na televiziji videti vse skupaj veliko bolj zanimivo.

Z omenjenim fantom sva še danes prijatelja, kot soseda se vidiva skoraj vsak dan in velikokrat se nasmejeva do solz, ko obujava dogodivščine iz šolskih dni.

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Welcome to our holistic dentistry clinic!

The Medical Dentistry represents a completely new and different approach to patient treatment. To start with, we refer to everyone who wishes to begin their journey of oral care at our clinic, as our guests. We aim to make every guest who enters our clinic feel comfortable and safe, help them lose their fear of dentists and trust the professionals who will be handling their dental issues. The essence of our work is to raise the awareness of the general public about the importance of maintaining the health of the entire oral cavity which has a significant impact on the body, both physically and psychologically. We believe that the success of the dental treatment our guests receive is the result of a respectful and authentic relationship between the guest themselves and our staff. Therefore, we will always take the time to get to know you as a person and not just as someone ‘who owns a set of teeth’. We will never make decisions for you. Our job and commitment is to properly educate you and explain complicated matters in a simple way, and to offer you a variety of options to choose from. This is the only way we can make sure your decisions will be in alignment with your own personal values and wishes. We firmly believe that everyone has the right to either choose to support their own health, or say ‘no’ to anything they may not want to experience.