Orthodontics | Medical Dentistry

The purpose of orthodontics is to establish ideal occlusion and teeth alignment for a harmonious, natural smile. Many people have crooked teeth and many of us wore braces as children. But orthodontics has long been aimed at adults as well as children, since the development of modern and aesthetic orthodontic braces and retainers makes it possible to straighten teeth in adulthood and even old age. Besides a beautiful smile, straight teeth will help to improve your oral hygiene, minimise teeth wear, ensure the durability and protection of teeth and make for a better fit with other teeth.
When orthodontic treatment is used to correct misaligned teeth, force is exerted on the tooth to move it in the desired direction. For this purpose, we use removable and fixed dental braces. Removable braces use mimetic and mastication muscles to direct the development of teeth, making them more useful in childhood, while fixed braces are attached to the teeth to move them in the correct position. If the teeth are very crowded, some may need to be extracted before the braces are attached.

Orthodontic treatment process


Modern orthodontics uses a number of solutions to align permanent teeth. The orthodontist is involved in preparing a suitable plan of treatment. In order to determine the necessary stages of treatment, the orthodontist has to start by selecting the diagnostic aids and examining the condition of the jaws and jaw joint. It is also necessary to examine the face and oral cavity in detail and check the health of the mastication organs (teeth, gums, periodontal tissues, bones, mastication muscles). If necessary, the orthodontic specialist will perform additional functional tests to check the functioning of the muscles of the lips, cheeks, tongue and jaw joint. After analysing the diagnostic aids and data collected, we work with you to prepare a customised plan. This includes all the necessary stages and methods of treatment as well as the most suitable type of braces. In most cases, teeth can be straightened with fixed dental braces.


Before the treatment, we make impressions of the teeth and jaws to create 3D study models with the help of cutting-edge technology. In addition to impressions, we also take X-ray images and digital photographs of the face, teeth and dental arches. These tools enable the orthodontic specialist to prepare the best treatment plan for each individual patient. To make invisible brackets, we use a 3D scanner to make a gold plate that perfectly matches the inside surface of the tooth. The plates are designed with a 3D printer and wax before the gold is moulded and the brackets are made. The plates are then carefully inserted in the transparent bracket used to attach the braces to the inside surface of the teeth.


After preparing a detailed treatment plan, it is time to attach the brackets and arch wires.

  • Before the orthodontist attaches brackets to the teeth, the teeth have to be cleaned with special rubber and polishing paste.
  • A special gel is then applied to make the surface of the teeth slightly rough before the brackets are attached.
Attaching the brackets
  • Once the dental surfaces have been prepared, the brackets are attached using a guide and special glue.
  • In most cases, the glue dries within seconds under blue light. The orthodontist then inserts the part of the braces that actually aligns the teeth: the arch wire.
  • To attach the wire to the brackets, rubber bands are placed around each bracket.
  • Once the arch wire is attached, the treatment can begin.


First days wearing the apparatus

The placement of the brackets and archwire takes some time, but this is a completely painless procedure. In the first few days after installation there may be a slight feeling of pressure on the teeth and a weird feeling inside the mouth. This is completely normal because your mouth needs to get used to the apparatus. If these symptoms are not resolved over time or if they get worse, call your specialist for another appointment.


Control visits are very important for a successful therapy.

In order for the orthodontic treatment to be successful and for your teeth to be nice and level, your active cooperation is necessary. This means that you need to participate in regular controls where the orthodontist monitors the progress/movement of teeth and adjusts the brackets accordingly and sometimes even replaces the arch. The progress and success of treatment will be recorded and further instructions will be given on the appropriate mouth hygiene.
What happens if you do not attend the regular control checks?If the time between these checks is too long, the state of teeth irregularity may get worse.


When the teeth are adjusted accordingly and the apparatus is no longer needed, it is time to remove the brackets and arches. This is a simple and completely painless procedure. But the treatment is not yet finished.

Retention maintenance period – as important as the active period.

In order to prevent the movement of the teeth to the initial irregular position, the active phase is followed by the maintenance phase – retention. To maintain the achieved status, the orthodontist places a retention arch wire which is worn in the same way as the orthodontic apparatus. The retention wire apparatus is placed on the inner side of the teeth and does not cause any type of active force as is the case with the brackets. It only places the teeth into a stable position. There are many types of retention apparatuses. They can be removable or glued to the teeth: positioners, retention braces, functional apparatuses or arch wires glued to the inner side of the teeth. The orthodontist will explain to you which one of the above is the most suited for you.


Comfortable, transparent and detachable.

Invisalign clear aligners align your teeth with a set of braces that are specifically designed for your teeth. Unlike fixed orthodontic appliances, these braces are barely visible, and can be removed and replaced at any time.

Invisalign aligners are suitable for the correction of a variety of teeth alignment irregularities: from teeth crowding to large gaps between your teeth, cross bites, and a deep or progenic bite.

Invisalign treatment has helped over 3.5 million people worldwide smile with confidence once again.

Learn more about this unique approach to teeth adjustment today and take the first step towards obtaining the perfect smile – sign up for a consultation at our clinic, and together we can discuss the most appropriate Invisalign treatment for your teeth.

An orthodontist always strives to achieve optimum occlusion and alignment to create a balanced and natural smile.

In addition to a beautiful smile, properly aligned teeth allow for better oral hygiene, reduced tooth wear, long-term durability, protection and a complete and precise relation of the teeth to other teeth.


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